Lockcircle - very bling body caps

Mark Grant

Canon user
Noticed these while browsing today and not seen them mentioned much.
Lockcircle body caps, a bit of an extravagance but they do look good.


LockCircle - The Original Body Cap

Video on Vimeo :
LockCircle - The Making of - Canon 5d - Canon 7d on Vimeo

They also do HDMI lockport for DSLR users;

Bloody hell Mark!
I fail to see the point, but then I don't wear jewellery...
The video is ace, really nice, and the hdmi port saver (as someone who has 2 knackered hdmi sockets on the back of his tv) is a really good idea!
It looks cool! thats about the extent of it...
I hope that since they have the kit to machine this sort of then maybe they might make some cooler more useful things ... like quality lens adapters
it looks to me it's a sledgehammer to crack a wlanut, no need at all.

on a sidenote though it looks like the machine used is the same one i get to program every day lol the Mori Seiki NL2500 Twin Spindle :D
I don't suppose you get much opportunity to make stuff for you self?

in this job unfortunately not, in one of my previous employ i used to make stand feet for my lambretta, stainless steel fixings for the scooter and aluminium record centres.
I fail to see the point, but then I don't wear jewellery...

I dont even wear a watch :) My phone has the time on it ;)

Reminds me of some accessories for audiophile hifi record decks, not really needed but looks good so people will pay the asking price.

Does anyone use body caps?
I just leave a lens on and my plastic canon body cap is probably in the camera box...

They do have some very nice metal working machinery and a lazer engraver so maybe some other tweaky parts can be made and the HDMI port saver is a great idea.