Lodge under the Stars

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
This is likely to be the last one from me for a while. I'm off to the Peak District in less than three weeks and there is still a lot of homework to do.

My second attempt at star trails taken last night. It was pitch black outside and I had to get my husband to shine a torch on the Lodge so I could see if it was in shot. I've given up with the lens correction because I used a wide angle tilted up at the stars and I end up losing too much. It's not exactly a straight house at the best of times!

I prepared first by turning off all lights on this side. The glow you can see is from the rooms at the front. Upstairs is the television in a dark room (showing the closing ceremony of the London Olympics). A really interesting shot to colour correct - I've aimed for pleasing rather than strictly accurate. A quick test shot had me worried about too long an exposure, so this was a guesstimate. Around 25 minutes I think at f5.6 and ISO 200. In camera noise reduction and careful RAW processing has left absolutely no noise at all. Wisps of cloud had me grumbling last night, but I rather like them now. The passing car was an added bonus - we rarely get any during the night :)

Great idea for the shot Lesley - it has it's own story, and questions, when you look at the elements in the shot

Is the blue light your alarm then? :D
Yes, lots of interesting bits to that shot. I like the clouds very much - for once not spoiling a star shot. Nice comp. We are going to miss you round here for a while. Don't forget us when you return.
Yes - the blue light is the alarm showing through the towel. If it hadn't been covered I think it would have ruined the shot, but I was reluctant to get rid of it in the end. I opted for cloning out the obvious bits of towel...

I'm going to miss all of you, but I have to prepare if I'm going to cram the Peak District into just three days. I've already planned to be on top of the Tors before sunrise. Now I'm tempted to stay up late to do some more star trails - maybe over Ladybower Reservoir if that's possible. Last year found me sneaking in and out of the B&B at silly hours and I'm starting to wonder if I should just sleep in the car :)