Lesley Jones
Otherwise know as Zooey
This is likely to be the last one from me for a while. I'm off to the Peak District in less than three weeks and there is still a lot of homework to do.
My second attempt at star trails taken last night. It was pitch black outside and I had to get my husband to shine a torch on the Lodge so I could see if it was in shot. I've given up with the lens correction because I used a wide angle tilted up at the stars and I end up losing too much. It's not exactly a straight house at the best of times!
I prepared first by turning off all lights on this side. The glow you can see is from the rooms at the front. Upstairs is the television in a dark room (showing the closing ceremony of the London Olympics). A really interesting shot to colour correct - I've aimed for pleasing rather than strictly accurate. A quick test shot had me worried about too long an exposure, so this was a guesstimate. Around 25 minutes I think at f5.6 and ISO 200. In camera noise reduction and careful RAW processing has left absolutely no noise at all. Wisps of cloud had me grumbling last night, but I rather like them now. The passing car was an added bonus - we rarely get any during the night
My second attempt at star trails taken last night. It was pitch black outside and I had to get my husband to shine a torch on the Lodge so I could see if it was in shot. I've given up with the lens correction because I used a wide angle tilted up at the stars and I end up losing too much. It's not exactly a straight house at the best of times!
I prepared first by turning off all lights on this side. The glow you can see is from the rooms at the front. Upstairs is the television in a dark room (showing the closing ceremony of the London Olympics). A really interesting shot to colour correct - I've aimed for pleasing rather than strictly accurate. A quick test shot had me worried about too long an exposure, so this was a guesstimate. Around 25 minutes I think at f5.6 and ISO 200. In camera noise reduction and careful RAW processing has left absolutely no noise at all. Wisps of cloud had me grumbling last night, but I rather like them now. The passing car was an added bonus - we rarely get any during the night