lonely road

Beth Anthony

Well-Known Member
out in the middle of nowhere. the first real excursion with the fuji gfx 50r and 32-64mm.

Is this you telling me you had to sell your car because of the GFX, and then walk home? ;)

Congrats - and love the winter color palette and desolation
Is this you telling me you had to sell your car because of the GFX, and then walk home? ;)

Congrats - and love the winter color palette and desolation

in this area, more like the car was stolen at gunpoint and i lost my shoe tripping over one of the dead bodies that ends up out here on slightly more than rare occasions. luckily, i, the subaru outback and the fuji camera all made it out of the area unscathed. there's supposed to be a small, decaying boat back in this area, but couldn't get all the way in cause of some severe flooding.

i was going to get the camera in february or march, but i kept watching the dwindling camera and lens numbers. i'm not buying plane tickets until the gov shut down is fully over so i spent the money on the camera while i could still get it, and i'll get plane tickets, car rentals and reservations in iceland when i know tsa isn't going to walk off the job.
Dead bodies! :eek::eek::eek:
thanks raza.

chris, it was safer out there when it was the main port where the drugs were being smuggled in. as long as you weren't looking too hard at them they weren't concerned with you. once the smugglers were moved on the homeless, prostitutes and small time drug dealers moved in. now it's a little bit safer out there after a few years of crackdowns from the cops.