Mamiya RB 67 Pro sd and Velvia 50.

Stephen Baker

Well-Known Member
A couple of images taken with my beloved mamiya RB67 Pro sd and shot in velvia 5o, I then develop the films at home in my jobo processor.. ( I just love those huge negs )

I have also got a Mamiya 645 Pro tl and a mamiya C330f but since getting the RB the others haven't been out much.

Thanks for looking, Stephen.

I recognise that windmill! :)

What a super pair of shots. The light in the first is stunning and I really like the composition.

What chemistry are you using in the Jobo? I tend to shoot colour on digital thee days but shoot a lot of B&W film. Mind, seeing all these lovely colour images fro film maybe I should dig some rolls out of the fridge (there's a fair bit of Portra in there stil).
How many times have I nearly clicked go on one of those tenetal kits recently ...
Im a bit scared to be honest ... Ill do it one day!

These are stunning! The first is really quite beautiful!
Thanks for the comments Hamish, if you are into developing colour or E-6 I can highy recommend the tetenal kits, I can honestly say that out of all of the colour and slide film that I have developed with tetenal I haven't been dissapointed yet.

How many times have I nearly clicked go on one of those tenetal kits recently ...
Im a bit scared to be honest ... Ill do it one day!

These are stunning! The first is really quite beautiful!

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Thanks for the reply Rob, for my digital I am a Nikon man and for my film I am a Mamiya man, and the RB67 is one superb camera with lots of pin sharp lenses for sale cheaply..oops better not say to much or every body will want one ;)

Yay, another Pro SD user! And one who knows what he is doing :D Very nice images!
... I can see a purchase coming on ... I might put it on my Xmas list :)

ive seen tutorials online ... It looks a little complex! In practice, how did you find it?
I have plenty of b&w developing experience ... Well, enough to be fairly haphazard about it anyway
It looks as though the process needs to be quite controlled? Does you need to be more strict with the "rules"
The process does need to be controlled reasonably well, I use a jobo processor for my colour/slide film but it is not impossible to do it by hand using a sink of water to get the chemicals about right at 38 degrees + or - 0.5 degree, the tempretures are only really critical for the first two stages colour developer and blix although I do give a 30 second rinse with water at the same temp between the colour developer and the blix as it helps to stop cross contamination and I tend to use the chemichals a few times to get my monies worth. ( I have done it by hand with inversions or twiddle stick thingy when I had trouble with my processor once or twice and it worked just as well ) as you have said there are lots of very good tutorials on the web..and I would say if someone can develop black and white they wouldn't find colour any more difficult..

... I can see a purchase coming on ... I might put it on my Xmas list :)

ive seen tutorials online ... It looks a little complex! In practice, how did you find it?
I have plenty of b&w developing experience ... Well, enough to be fairly haphazard about it anyway
It looks as though the process needs to be quite controlled? Does you need to be more strict with the "rules"
Frustratingly I actaully sold a Jobo CPE2 I'd picked up cheap about 2 years ago ... At the time the idea of colour processing was just not on the cards and it was taking up far to much room ...
ah well, you live and learn

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... Thanks for your thoughts anyway, if I do get round to it ill be screaming about the results in here I'm sure :)