Manchester Street Photography

Darren Turner

A Selection Of Around 30 Images I Took Over Last Few Days In Manchester. I Will Upload Them In Dribs & Drabs ( to keep things tidy )As And & When I Have Run Them Through Lightroom ;):D





Hey Daz Love #3 love the interest value it offers, super sharp and more.......good work, nice one :)
Really liking #1 and the way you filled the frame, and used DOF
I teally like no 4 she's sitting totally ignoring him and he sems to be trying to get her attention.I'm always scared to even try street photography even with a camaflaged 700mm lens thats on my bridge camera
Hold on Dave - 700mm lens?????
Cheers guys this is slowly becoming an addiction :-)

these were all taken with my 70-200mm f2.8 lens so you should have nooooooo problem with a 700mm (OMFG) lens Dave. I dont like to get to close.

I used OLD POLAR pre-set in light room for all images apart from i forgot to apply it in image 2 haha

What do you think to this PP of this preset on people shots?? (will apply it to image 2 shortly)

I teally like no 4 she's sitting totally ignoring him and he sems to be trying to get her attention.I'm always scared to even try street photography even with a camaflaged 700mm lens thats on my bridge camera

with a 700mm lens you could almost be in stockport and get manchester city centre lol
Few More




Did you steal the last one from your nephew??? That's on his slide show:confused:....:D
rofl @ glen they are a bit similar i agree but not quite the




Excellent shots. I too don't have the guts for this kind of thing!

I like the preset effect. Can I ask - if I select this preset in LR it gives a very heavy, stark effect whereas in your photos it is much more subtle. I haven't managed to work out how to scale down the preset. How is that done?
Tim, i just edited the images to how i wanted them to look as a more real / traditional colour photo to my liking, then exported them, I then just added the pre-set, i did nothing else to the images apart from a slight exposure tweak if & when i thought it was needed the re exported them with the OLD POLAR added.

I never experienced this "heavy, stark effect" you mention. I presume that you add the pre-set then adjust sliders to lighten the image if it did happen.

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Darren, here's an old street photo in Lightrooom, before and after I apply the Old Polar preset:



I get this type of garish result whichever photo I try it on.
Right i just copied your original image and run it through my light-room i get this...................


But i adjusted exposure & recovery, still quite similar though.............

Ah OK, so you adjust further. If I pull back Exposure and apply Recovery I too get something like yours above.

I imagined that when you use a Lightroom Preset there might be a slider or something to apply it to a lesser or greater extent, as you can with so many effects in LR or PS.

Thanks for clarifying that.
Yes that the idea Tim......... :-)

You can always use the preset and make adjustments so you are happy and then save it as your own present. Then hopefully you'll only need to make minor adjustments to individual images.

Good point i never knew that............will give it ago now cheers :-)
One problem I have always found with the presets in lightroom is if you dont after hitting the setting then reset the image with the auto levels its a bit harsh let me demonstrate as its easier to explain
old polar

o p test (1 of 1) by davem44, on Flickr

old polar after hitting the auto levels

o p test 2 (1 of 1) by davem44, on Flickr

Same photo after going for antique grayscale

o p test 3 (1 of 1) by davem44, on Flickr

After going for auto levels

o p test 4 (1 of 1) by davem44, on Flickr

If you apply the setting during export I have found that it automaticly does the levels for you