Meet Mikko...

Alastair Cummins

Well-Known Member
..our new pet rabbit, which was bought for mum on Mothers Day :)

Mikko the Rabbit by Allyc85, on Flickr

With him being only 8 weeks old we have been told to handle him as little as possible for the next few days to let him settle in. but I wanted to get a picture of him the day we got him! I took it on my LG KC910 mobile phone and I dont think the quality is too bad considering.
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Cute! Hannah is so allergic to rabbits she gets all wheezy just walking into pets at home ... Else we would probably have one too :)
this reminds me i forgot to mention that yesterday i put on this awesome dish of Rabbit Fricassee With Spring went down a treat in our restaurant................!!

Ha Ha on a more serious note...........awwwwwwwwwwwww i used to have rabbit called Jasper......... Great pets.........!!

As for the photo......very impressive considering its a phone..........!!


My sister and family have 2 rabbits - they spend most evenings in the lounge with her and the kids!!!

Even got featured in the Telegraph - good grief...
lol I dont think you would get much of a meal out of him Darren as he is literally just skin and bones at the moment! Then you got to catch him as hes bloody fast lol!

What did your Sisters family and their rabbit get featured for exactly Chris?
You had to ask... ;)

I met one of the biggest rabbits in the world in a shop in Worcester owned by an ex play boy bunny ... I'm not even lying!
That head on shot is hilarious, and soooo cute! :)

We'll expect your write-up in the Sunday Telegraph shortly :p