Merry Christmas to One and All

Brian Moore


This is the photo I used for our Christmas cards this year. Took it with the 7D using the self-timer, which I had never used before. If I'm looking pensive it's because at the time I'm peering at the little light and I'm thinking, "Is that damn thing working?" That thought was quickly followed by "Oh,...I better smile." What you see is the result.

Due to circumstances entirely in the hands of the lady directly to my front wearing the red sweater I had no time for a re-take. But it doesn't really matter. What does matter is...

Merry Christmas to all from the Moore family.
Happy Christmas!

Almost time to stuff the turkey and sort out the kids' stockings... er, I mean make sure they are out out for Santa!

(Why do they still get stockings at 17 and 20??)
Merry Christmas Brian - nice one - how did you get the dawg to look at the camera?
Thanks, Chris. That was a stroke of luck, actually. At some point in the self-timer process the camera started beeping. This caught Sadie's attention and she was momentarily transfixed, facing the camera. Had I had an opportunity for a retake I'd never have got that look out of her again. Anyway, thanks Chris. Hope you had a great day today.