Wish me well...

I'm almost certain recovery was linked to sheer spite and grumpiness on my dad's part 😅 hopefully you will be moving onto easier times swallowing and continued recovery soon- keep bright eyed Rob.
Hang in there Rob! I had one in April 2021 that clobbered the retina in my left eye. In fact it was a series that hit several days apart, going to the hospital each time and being sent home until with the last one my partial blindness became permanent. You'll be in my prayers.
I have not been aware of this Gary, so I could not respond or say anything to you and Rob on the matter. I am truly sorry that this has happened to you both. What happened to you Gary, happened also to my wife, exactly the same and she too has lost her eyesight on the left eye. Her right eye though sees far too well😉
But she too does well with the right one and with photography.