Mini Waterfall

Darren Turner


I am thinking of getting a collection of images similar to this of local running waterfalls, mini falls and streams for the walls in one of the lounges here at the hotel were i work.

Would love your opinions.

Would make a very nice and calming set of images I'd think - I like the long exposure/blurred water look, and the saturated colour on the greenery.

Do you use an ND filter when shooting to get the longer shutter times?
thanks chris, i would use an ND filter if i had one.......haha, this was taken yesterday on a very dark & dismal cloudy day, the brook is surrounded by woodland so it was quite a dark area. I also used a circular polariser which lets me loose a few stops of light to allow for a longer shutter.

Nice shot Darren, shame about the slightly blown highlights in the water, apart from that I like.
Nice shot Darren, shame about the slightly blown highlights in the water, apart from that I like.

Should be possible to pull this back during RAW conversion?

I like the idea. It beats the crap out of the two cluttered B&W pictures of Swiss statues and the pointless piece of modern art in the room I am it at present. Go for it.

yes i shoot raw, will tray that advice laurie, cheers.......!!