Chris Dodkin
West Coast Correspondent
Fuji X-T1 and 10-24mm Lens f/8 1/20 6400ISO
thanks Brian - there's a window behind me which is casting some light into the space, and the font itself seems to focus a glow vertically upwards to the plasterwork on the ceiling roseBeautiful shot, Chris. The ceiling looks illuminated by something stronger that those chandelier lights.
Thanks Rob - quite amazing work - probably the highest quality the combined Spanish/locals came up with in al of the missions that were built.Wow. What a place. I love the stylised bird with lightning bolts on the ceiling.
Thanks Milan - the lens is not one I use a great deal, but does field great results. It's a good walk around lens for being a tourist in historical buildings - nice wide to super wide zoom range.Chris, that is really good. The leading lines and composition are great.
I have taken a very strong liking to the results I have seen from the Fuji 10-24 lens. Damn you temptation.
Thanks Pete - straight out of camera for geometry on this one, thanks to the built-in level, otherwise I'd be all slanted!Gorgeous shot Chris. Love the colours and the geometry has held up well (or been corrected perfectly). I'm intrigued by those statues.
LOL Thanks Julian - I used NIK Define to reduce the noise from the 6400ISO, and can only attribute the sharpness of the image to the excellent image stabilization on the 10-24mm lens. It really is a remarkable technology, and one I'd avoided on the Canon L lenses I own - so the Fuji lenses are my first introduction to it. IS does eat batteries though I notice.6400 iso is that all next you'll say it was hand-held perfection Chris.
IS now is amazing, from some manufacturers. Just boggles me how it's implemented and how it works, but that's easy as I still belive there are little people in the television.LOL Thanks Julian - I used NIK Define to reduce the noise from the 6400ISO, and can only attribute the sharpness of the image to the excellent image stabilization on the 10-24mm lens. It really is a remarkable technology, and one I'd avoided on the Canon L lenses I own - so the Fuji lenses are my first introduction to it. IS does eat batteries though I notice.
...I still belive there are little people in the television.
Thank you sir!superb shot again Chris