Mother Ginger

Brian Moore


The cast of the Nutcracker (Library show) on stage for a bow. Mother Ginger is the taller one.

Olympus XA, with Kodak Ultramax 800 film.
Great Shot again Brian, but HellFire you certainly wouldn't want to bump into her down a dark alley :D:D:D
Very good shot Brian,
She has that face on her as if to say..... I will meet you down the dark alley! :D :D

On a serious note (not very often though) I like these shots you've done recently. You could put these in an album and tell someone who's never seen them/people before and convince them with ease by saying they were taken 20 years ago. Such a great think about film. It has that, age factor.... The only thing that would give it away is if you were to take a picture of the latest car. Lol
Thanks a lot, Kev and Dan. She does look a bit fearsome don't she?

All of my recent photography has been centered around these Nutcracker and other dance performances the last few weeks. Must have shot 15 or 20 rolls of film, plus I shot digital on a few occasions. Haven't been posting much because I was beginning to get a bit repetitive I felt. Got a ton of foties, though.
I just want to shout 'SHE'S BEHIND YOU!' at the top of my lungs! :D

Do they do any pantomimes over here in the US Brian - or is it just a strange British thing?

Love the behind the scenes shots - especially with some stage lighting in them - really adds to the atmosphere
I just want to shout 'SHE'S BEHIND YOU!'

Don't know aboot pantos here in the colonies, Chris. I'm sure somebody does it. (Even if its just "a strange British thing" there are plenty of strange Brits aboot, so I'm sure it happens somewhere.)

Thanks for your comments. Much appreciated.
Thanks very much, Pete. Actually I began uploading all the backstage shots to ZangZing with the idea of distributing the URL to dancers, parents and faculty. However, after uploading a few rolls I came to realize that there doesn't seem to be an option on ZangZing for downloading other than by "buying" the photo. So I may upload them to Picassa Web Albums instead since I want people to be able to get a free picture of themselves or their kids if they want it.

Bottom line,...still working on it. Thanks again, Pete.
Thanks, Paul. And thanks for the comment about Wordpress. Mine are made with whatever it is that Google uses. I'll check that Wordpress thing out, though. Thanks again.