My new photo processor.

Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
GRACE PP220!!! :D:D

I come downstairs to find my daughter adjusting the slide bars on a photo of herself that I was working on.
She didn't even batter an eyelid till I got my camera out and called her name!!

Photo editing department boss :) by dajoolzcat, on Flickr

Thanks for looking :)
Brilliant, a family business in the offing ?
The secret is out now guys!
I just go out now, take some shots, and Grace does the rest.... Saves me so much time now I tell ya! ;) :D:D
LMAO brilliant shot of the REAL tog at DD house........ at least your honest and not ashamed you give the game away and shown us who REALLY produces your photies :p
Hahaha!!! Cheers Darren!
You should see her with the camera (compact one that is)

Do you think I should recommend my nearly 3 year old to sign up to RPF ?? :D:D:D
Na, in fact, stuff that idea, she can take over from me now. Seeing as the truth is out and who REALLY PP's my photos, I might as well do the decent thing and give her the credit! :D:D
LOL - Start 'em young I say! :D