Mystery camera?

It begs the question: Why?

I know why, because it's quick and easy. You will get used to it, more and more each day. To be extremely clear, I do not consider using artificial intelligence to be cheating, for me it is a tool like any other. As much as I have come to hate it (the more you get to know it, the more you hate it) I think it is a legitimate communication tool if used ethically.
but the closest thing
Well, it's not really that close. The Alpa's with the composing window all have the cold-shoe over the window, the item used in the artwork has an attachment showing over the center of the lens. The top plate is very different and there is no lettering at all on the image in the artwork. I suspect that whoever did the art decided to remove any/all potentially identifying text. And let's not overlook the film rewind knob (?) that appears to be twisted.
Well, it's not really that close. The Alpa's with the composing window all have the cold-shoe over the window, the item used in the artwork has an attachment showing over the center of the lens. The top plate is very different and there is no lettering at all on the image in the artwork. I suspect that whoever did the art decided to remove any/all potentially identifying text. And let's not overlook the film rewind knob (?) that appears to be twisted.
Absolutely. The Alpa is the clostest thing to the mystery camera very much like Alpha Centauri is the closest sun outside our solar system. The resemblance is limited to the unusual configuration of an alleged pentaprism hump and a viewfinder window. That is a peculiar setup that I haven´t seen in any other camera although I certainly don´t know them all. But of course you´re correct, the Alpa is not what we see in the poster. I agree that this is probably an AI created image that was tasked with creating a weird and old fashioned looking camera. The AI may have put the Alpa configuration in there because it certainly fits the bill.
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Do people, as with their dogs, grow to look like their cameras?! ;)

If so, then I must look a right mess! :)
Lol! 😂 Now there's a thought...

On another line of enquiry: What would happen if you put pictures of your fave cameras and a selfie through the A.I. mincer? Could this start a new trend for forum profile pics? 🤔🥴