Notes From The Top Left Corner

Ah yes, I may have posted a pinhole image of the duck before now. I must have taken hundreds of shots of that window by now, as it's a handy source of natural light in our living room but I think I can safely say that this is the one that has most pleased my eyes.
I really like this camera and I am looking forward to another one being delivered tomorrow! It might be even better!!
Well, Himatic, the Second arrived safely and is in almost as perfect condition as the first. It also appears to work perfectly too. I was fortunate enough to have a work colleague who wanted to buy it from me, so despite all the trauma, it turned out well for two of us.
Here are a few colour images from both cameras.

Midland Chairs.JPG
Midland Chairs

Graveyard low sun.JPG

Graveyard low sun 2.JPG

Jubilee Bridge.JPG
Almost exactly a year after Rob's thread about Ilford Ortho Plus ( )in which I said I was going to try a roll or two for myself, I still haven't tried a roll for myself.
However, I do own a roll! In my defence though, I tried a roll of Rollei Ortho 25 over the weekend and liked it very much. Here are a few shot from it. (Bronica ETRS with 40mm and 250mm lenses and developed in Rodinal).

Hornby Coppice.JPG

Hornby Bridge.JPG

Gnarly as Hell.JPG

Rossal Coast Watch.JPG
Good to see the Bronica back in action, Chris. Nice set.

That is certainly a most striking building and I like the way the sign leans in to meet it! I especially like the compression in the first shot.

And I like your defence: I feel better now about having a fridge full of all sorts of films that I haven't used! :)
The Bronica is lovely and I have acquired myself a nice little armoury of bits and pieces to use with it, so I feel able to cope with almost any situation now. I have the 40mm, 75mm, 150mm and the 250mm, as well as a 2x teleconverter in case I get desperate (or tired of walking!) I also got a metering prism finder which is great. All I need now is a Tamrac-wallah to carry my bag for me.

Re. your comment on the compression of the first shot, I am fast beginning to love the effect more and more nowadays. I know it's frowned on by some as a practice in street photography, but sometimes it has a powerful effect, so I'm finding myself exploring that quite a bit of late. I used it the other day at a protest and I love some of the results I got. I'll post some in a little while.
Here are a few of the images I mentioned above. Taken at a protest against the Police and Crime Bill. Very bright, warm spring evening. I love the effect of the compression combined with that low sun and especially with backlit subjects.

Kill Bill 1.JPG

Kill Bill 2.JPG

Kill Bill 3.JPG
Well, this is interesting.
I bought a secondhand LensBaby Muse. It looks like a cross between an industrial vacuum cleaner and a sex toy.
No real attempts at anything serious yet, but this is quite nice...and interesting - a quick shot in the garden while waiting for the breakfast coffee to brew this morning.

Impressionist Chives.JPG

Impressionist Chives
Oops, just when you were getting the hang of it too. I quite like Lensbabies, but I think the original is still the best even though all the optic swap system etc is quite clever. Matching tights and mask: there's an album title in there I'm sure.

My favourite those is the shot of the Chives. I like the way Lensbabies can create this movement.

This prompted me to look up some older stuff on these. I'd forgotten about most of these, especially the last link!