Oat Cuisine - By Boston Bear

@Paul Lange ... stand by for something to make you even more uncomfortable.
I woke this morning to clouds...drizzle...and a chill in the air. This breakfast warmed me up...and brought back some really good memories. When my wife (aka Her Deanship) were courting...she in Canada...me in Washington, DC...she sent this little fella home with me to keep me company on my many plane trips...both for work and to and from her. I carried the little fella everywhere and took pictures of him in different places to send them to her. That was 16 years ago...and she's now speaking at a conference in DC...so I texted her this one this morning...to wake her. I think you guys helped me score some points this morning. :D
Sorry Paul...I'm very comfortable with a little bear hug every once in a while. :p :cool:
Fantastic shot and a great story Glenn :)

I'd give him an 8.6 for style during the dive :D