I've seen that thing about those dumb dogs down in NZ. Sadie's much too intelligent for a lark like that. After al, she has her own driver. In whom she has much confidence I might add. (Just look at that regal, relaxed pose!)
I've seen that thing about those dumb dogs down in NZ. Sadie's much too intelligent for a lark like that. After al, she has her own driver. In whom she has much confidence I might add. (Just look at that regal, relaxed pose!)
If my SWMBO sees this fotie I'll be concerned more about her intent than her thoughts. She doesn't like it when I take foties while driving. If she sees this one she'll box my ears to be sure! (Would such intentions reflect in any way the thoughts of your SWMBO, Glenn?)
Nah, Chris. Nae need for a vanity mirror, her mascara never comes off and she's damned pretty all the time! (I just wish she'd pull her socks up from time-to-time.)