Oh, Oh... Rob Does A Wedding...

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
My friends, Gordon and Claire, asked me to photograph their wedding party yesterday evening. I pleaded for them to pay for a proper photographer, which they did: a man and wife team who do weddings all the time. They had huge cameras, lenses and flashes. They undoubtedly got some great shots. The woman photographer said to me, "Oh, it's good they got an amateur to give an alternative view" which amused me a lot!

So here's the alternative view...

The couple go for their first dance as man and wife...they both said to me they were VERY nervous about it...

by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

Here the mail pro photographer suddenly realised what was happening, and he ran passed me to get into position - but he dropped his flash, which smashed on the floor just next to me...

by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

A couple from my Dutch Masters Collection:

by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

dark champagne
by RobMacKillop, on Flickr
All XE1 and Auld Nik
Well Rob you did do a very good job with the "alterative view". These are very nice shots with your artists touch.
You were also smart to insist on them getting a "proper" wedding photographer because I'm betting they would have expected you to do the "normal" shots for their wedding album and my second bet would be that you don't enjoy doing that.
Thanks, Glenn. You are right, in that I wouldn't enjoy doing that - but I also think I'm incapable of doing normal shots. Really - I've tried. It just seems impossible. Maybe I'm not artistic, just incompetent! :oops:
Maybe I'm not artistic, just incompetent! :oops:

Me thinks you have that completely backwards. Maybe I'm not I ncompetent, just artistic...is more like it.
I've found as age numbers build...doing what you love...ends in better results and is much more important than doing what you have to.
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He's definitely incompetent, @Glenn Clabo, as you can easily see by the wonderful images he has produced!:)

Rob, I had to laugh when you mentioned the guy dropping his flash as he ran into position. Also, the woman's remark about the amateur shots was amusing. That would have delighted me if she she had said it about me, and I'm guessing your reaction was similar.

Excellent stuff. :)
Just received this from Gordon:

"Rob, the photos are really fantastic, we love them, thankyou so much, you've captured the essence of the night perfectly."

Job done :)
Cheers, Pete. Their fingers are just perfect - so pleased with the way they turned out. And the lady on the stairs - I took about twenty shots of people going up and down, but she just looked perfect. Glad I got her.
I'd have mentioned that they only got the job on your insistence - see how she liked that! :D

Great alternative view - not at all surprised they like 'em Rob

They clearly had good taste asking you in the first place!
Great shots, Rob. There is a whole genre of "documentary" wedding photography that this sort of fits into. Kevin Mullins is a successful UK practioner of this stuff (all B&W using Fuji's, too). The "pro" didn't sound all that pro to me. Nice job showing him up.