Oly Trip and Edinburgh Castle

You find something positive in every thing, Pete ;) Japanese paintings and Gormenghast - how did you know I'd been commissioned to illustrated the Japanese translation?
I like it, very dramatic. Gomenghast? I can definitely see that. There is an air of unreality to this shot that I like!
I think this is a fabulous image, Rob. It has an unreal quality about it; almost painterly,...particularly down in the trees. It has something of the appearance of a tilt-shift image, but without the de-focus. I love it!

What do you mean when you say you "destructured" it?
Thanks, Brian. Destructure is related to the Structure slider in Nik Silver, where you can sharpen an image to smithereens, or the reverse - make it less defined. I noticed with this image that by weakening the structural integrity (which Scottie from Star Trek says is due to the lack of dilithium crystals!) out popped this hint of tilt-shift. I'm trying to do less or no editing with my film shots, but this one definitely needed something...and I quite like the quirky result.
It looks like a model Rob - the leather texture in the sky to the right is rather interesting - how did you do that?