Olympus 35rc - A Review

Hamish, I've really been considering getting one of these.... REALLY!!!

Since I got the Trip 35 and spend ages trying to endlessly getting it working........ I had a look at the RC.

And what is is the purple light in the back round H?? it's frickin LUSH!!!!!
I will be in possession of one not long before pay day........ That is all I will have to say..... :)
Boom! Dan's in!! :D

That's a gorgeous looking camera Hamish - any batter or metering issues to watch out for?
Yeah, as I say at the bottom of the review it was designed for the old 1.35 625 mercury jobs which aren't made any more ... Wein make one though, or an adapted 1.4v hearing aid battery works a treat. Gonna do a blog about how I adapt a certain battery for it at some point
I've had NAS for many decades - but it seems to be creeping wider. First the Oly trip, then the Fuji GS645S, then an OM-10 (that was a freebie though). Currently lusting after a Yashica Electro 35.
I wanted a 35rc a few months back, but there were none on ebay, so I ended up with an Olympus ECR instead*, which seems to be very very similar but without the manual controls. Tiny thing, weighs a ton, though.
DSCF0270 olympus ECR small.jpg

*I bought 2 just to be on the safe side...
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That looks tiny!
Wanna send me one? ;)
well, I won't be using it* for a few months (got my Lubitel and Fuji XF1 to play with)... what's the postage for something like this? could do a swap-loan thing ?

*only one works, other needs small repair due to battary leakage
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What's the repair needed?
The tiny wire running from the bottom of the the battery compartment, eaten away by battery leakage (a common fault in these cameras)
Wow!! What a little gem!
Would you be looking to repair yourself?..... Or would you be open to any offers?
That doesn't sound too much of an issue to fix ... What's the rest of the camera like?
The rest of the camera looks very nice, a little better than the working one. I could probably do it myself, but I hadn't soldered anything until two months ago, so I'd better practise a bit more before tackling this...