On the Subject of Bicycles

Paul Lange

Here is a rather Dandy one I spotted. I guess it has an electric motor inside the housing. Oddly, I quite like the styling of it. Seems to be nicely designed to me. This is also a bit of an experiment too but conversion seems to be stripping out quite a bit of the effect when the image is converted to JPEG. Quite liking the glamour glow effect but not having NIK Colour Effex I have Began to experiment with different ways to achieve it. I copied the image in LR and reduced clarity and then opened both in PS and blended them as layers using overlay. I then toned downed the saturation to get the colours closer to the original image. I then duplicated the original layer and used glowing edges and guassian blur and then blended this using colour dodge.

It seems a good start for so more experimentation.

DSCN2572-Edit.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr
What a weird looking contraption! Nice shot and the bit of red working well as always :)
Yep - the nicely diffused light and the PP are working really well here Paul

As Dave mentioned, the red gives it the pop it needs to break out of the neutral palette

Hamish - is he fat because he has a motor and doesn't need to pedal? :D