Paul Lange
Here is a rather Dandy one I spotted. I guess it has an electric motor inside the housing. Oddly, I quite like the styling of it. Seems to be nicely designed to me. This is also a bit of an experiment too but conversion seems to be stripping out quite a bit of the effect when the image is converted to JPEG. Quite liking the glamour glow effect but not having NIK Colour Effex I have Began to experiment with different ways to achieve it. I copied the image in LR and reduced clarity and then opened both in PS and blended them as layers using overlay. I then toned downed the saturation to get the colours closer to the original image. I then duplicated the original layer and used glowing edges and guassian blur and then blended this using colour dodge.
It seems a good start for so more experimentation.
DSCN2572-Edit.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr
It seems a good start for so more experimentation.
DSCN2572-Edit.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr