Critique Required Opinions Please

Paul Lange

These two are a slight detachment from the usual "flat" photographs of rubbish. I can't seem to work out for myself if they work or not.

This was taken with the Fuji GS645S on I think FP4.

by Paul R Lange, on Flickr

This was taken with the Sony RX100 and has had a generic film-like emulation applied as well as some of the colours boosted a little.

by Paul R Lange, on Flickr

Just interested to see what people say.
I like the composition in the first - the clean road dissecting the town from its detritus. I think the blue to be be too saturated in the second, especially in the foreground. And unlike in some of your rubbish series, the rubbish in both these images holds little magic or transcendent power. It's just...rubbish....well, you did ask;-)
Mmmm 2nd shot has become unavailable for some reason?