Out With Friends

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent

iPhone 4 quickie.

Took a walk along some country lanes today, while on my way to the Forth Bridge. I saw a doe (a deer, a female, dearie me) but she was too far off for these cameras. I also saw some beautiful colours, especially greens, but, alas, only had black and white film.

So, in some respects the wrong cameras and film, Gromit! But hopefully I got something worth sharing. I'll be posting them off for development, so it might take a while before we see anything. But what a beautiful day, and the walk did me the world of good.

We should get out with our friends more often...
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By the time I had taken this photo, I had reached the famous Forth Bridge, where I had my packed lunch of banana, orange juice and Cadbury's Flake. While masticating quietly to myself (look it up!) I had four sets of people remarking on the cameras. People are still AMAZED that film is still available, and that these old things are still working.
Nice bit of kit there :)

I was out with the FM2n yesterday and someone asked me if you could still get the film! As I was in the town centre I said yes, and pointed at Max Spielman and Boots :)
Happy day out with a Mamiya TLR, I had two a C33 and a C3 until they were stolen, rant cameras to use and I like the square format.

Should have been using my TLR here in Turkey this week but haven't had an opportunirty. Look forward to seeing the results Rob.

Max Spielman was once a big mail order lab in Liverpool, these days it's a chain of High Street mini labs around the UK. they are now owned by the former owners of Munns Brothers a Birningham lab that specialised in D&P for chemists etc before it closed.
