Peeple Peering from the Peer

Brian Moore

Or,...Pieple Piering from the Pier if you like.;)

Took this with my Yashica Electro 35 GSN and Kodak Plus X film, which I processed in Rodinal 1:100 using the semi-stand technique. (I think I am not going to use stand development or semi stand for while--too many inconsistencies in the results.)

Aliens - beaming down to the pier Paul ;)

Brian's going to use plausible deniability with some processing story - but we all know it's aliens

I like this a lot Brian
Nice compo and nicely timed too. I especially like the sky worms Brian! Did you dodge around the people or is that some kind of strange flare from the lens?

Contrary to Chris's allegations, aliens are NOT "beaming down to the pier" at all. Nor am I currently concocting a "processing" story as some measure of "plausible deniability." (Such allegations are ridiculous Chris!:p)

No,...what is actually happening is that those are real human beings on the pier and you are witnessing their bodily essences being sucked up to the Mother Ship, as captured by my Yashica Electro 35 GSN but only made visible by "stand" development in Rodinal. ;)