Peter Kennard

Ahmad Bhai

Well-Known Member
Peter Kennard is one of Banksy's heroes.

"Peter Kennard abandoned painting in the 1970s in search of new forms of expression that could bring art and politics together for a wider audience. This search has resulted in making photomontage and installation work over many years covering major political events. "

These are his photo collages for current G8

Peter Kennard: G8 protest posters

"He has produced thought-provoking artwork on apartheid, nuclear proliferation, the Cold War, the Iraq War, climate change, state surveillance and more besides, so it’s no surprise Banksy cites Kennard as an inspiration."

"‘My idea of copyright is to give people the right to copy my work,’ he said. ‘For four decades the point of my work has been to get it out to people who will respond to it outside of galleries.

‘It’s been used on T-shirts, badges and placards, so the fact people can now use Tumblr to download and print these images anywhere in the world is great.’

"there’s less competitiveness and a willingness to work together and make work that has social meaning. Also, they’re exhibiting in artist-led or pop-up places – it reminds me of the DIY feel of the conceptual art movement of the 1970s and 1980s.’"