Phone Box

It does, doesn't it? Actually, that's what I thought had been done - it had just been cleaned. So my first thought was, that at least I will still have the scratches on the glass. Then when I looked a bit closer, I realised both panes had been completely replaced. I don't know whether they had reached the point where they were considered to be not fit for purpose, or perhaps they were smashed.
Anyway, a new dawn for telephony in Lancaster has arrived!
I am sure it will be no time at all before these two windows become thoroughly begrunged.
OMG! ...Looks a bit clean…

Fear not though, Rob, I have a new angle of grungification to exploit!
Just to either side of the place that I normally post myself, there are some black windows, in which, if I go alongside the phone box, I can see a reflection back through the box windows.
This enables me to get shots like this...

...and a couple from the old viewpoint through the new glass.



It will be fascinating to witness the patina building up as time, bill stickers and graffiti artists have their wicked way with the glass.
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