Photo Magazines

I'm having a sort out having recently had some new bookcases made and brought a load of books and magazines out of storage. Basically the problem is they won't all fit!! So, some things are going to have to go. Like for example a pretty large collection of Professional Photographer and BJP. It seems a shame to just toss them in a bin so if someone would like them, please let me know and I'll send them. At the moment they are not in any particular order and there are still some more in storage.

And the answer is no Chris, I'm not posting them to California!!
Yes please pete!! My wife goes ape when I buy all these magazines! Lol. I'll send you my address to your inbox. How much for the postage?
And the answer is no Chris, I'm not posting them to California!!


Used to get Practical Pornography (Photography) back in Blighty for years - always seemed to have a glamorous model on the front cover for some reason...

Haven't had any photo mags for years, but I did just sign up for a year of Outdoor Photographer as it was just $10 on Amazon!!