Photographers Helpline

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Hi Joe, I really need your advice on a serious problem:

I have suspected for some time now that my wife has been cheating on me. The usual signs: if the phone rings and I answer, the caller hangs up; she goes out with the girls a lot. I try to stay awake to look out for her when she comes home but I usually fall asleep.

Anyway last night about midnight I hid in the garage behind the car and used my DSLR to capture some evidence. When she came home she got out of someone's car buttoning her blouse, then she took her panties out of her purse and slipped them on.

It was at that moment crouched behind the car that I noticed my 70-200 lens was front focusing a little.

Is that something I can fix or do I need to send it back to Canon for repair?

Being serious for a moment... After spending some time on DPReview, in the Canon forums, I might be ready to agree with you Pete.

It's one of the sad side effects of the Internet - there are people there who do nothing but ***** and moan about their lens/camera/AF etc.

It's never their fault - always Canon's fault - the thousands of other happy users has no impact, the equipment is cr@p...

Not sure whether the Nikon forums have the same trollers?
I guess the Nikon forums are just the same. I've no idea as I've been interested enough to look. I really like the RPF for all of the obvious reasons. The few times I've ended up on a forum looking for information etc (usually because a computer / software is not doing as I expect / it should) I have just found a bunch of people talking mostly rubbish (very authoritatively, but rubbish none the less) with advice that is patently wrong! On the whole, I suspect that Canon, Nikon, Olympus etc all produce excellent equipment with the more expensive / more professional models having faster and more accurate focusing etc. Most of the shots that I take that are either badly exposed or out of focus are because of the idiot behind the camera and not the manufacturer. I know it's me 'cos they are always set on manual!!
there are millions of **** all over the internet who KNOW they are right ... but are often mostly wrong!
i have no idea why people dont get to the stage in their lives where they realise that the chance that their own personal knowledge being wrong is significantly greater than the chance of it being right!
thats why i set up this forum ... i wanted to create a place for people who are willing to learn ... to be willing to learn you have to accept that there is a huge possibility your current knowledge/skill set/understanding of things might not be all that you think it is!
i know so many people who are so set in their ways and so set in their beliefs that they have no real chance to progress with learning ... i think its sad, but unfortunately that sort of person are a significant majority... and those humble enough to realise that (to use a fairly flippantly used but actually entierly apt phrase) "everyday is a school day" are a minority... thankfully, our current membership seem to be fairly extensively in the later category ... which is just what i hoped for ... and hence why i am so happy with how the forum is going!
When I see some trouble or someone slagging off a brand on a forum I always think of this:

Forum Expert by Mark G. in England, on Flickr

A real name forum might never be as busy as some forums, but at least it's real :)
Huh ... Maybe I just use it too much ...
I think I sound a prick sometimes ... I hope everyone gets my drift when I have my little rants :)
I just don't like know it alls ... But then i suppose my belief in my convictions on the above almost make me sound as bad as the people I'm critising ... Just in a different way ... Guess we all believe in what we believe in eh??
A long time ago someone told me you can be anyone you want on the internet, I think the cartoon sums it up very well. Having said that I try very hard to be 'me' with my internet presence. A boring git!
