Photography going the way of HiFi?

I've just spent a few hours with my voigtlander vitomatic iia Brian ... To be honest, if I just did this as a hobby, days like today would tempt me to go film full time ... I find the thought process so much more satisfying ...
That said, I haven't seen the results yet!?
I've just spent a few hours with my voigtlander vitomatic iia Brian ... To be honest, if I just did this as a hobby, days like today would tempt me to go film full time ... I find the thought process so much more satisfying ...
That said, I haven't seen the results yet!?
It is indeed ... just got back from 'max speilman' (local d+p shop)
It turns out that if you ask them nicely, for £4, they will dev and scan at 300dpi at 1908x1272 which is a lot better than they used to ... saves me scanning all but the best ...
shots coming soon ;)
Nice, Hamish! Here in USA I take my color 35mm snaps to Target (which is a big Asda-like store). I get processing only and it costs $1.00 per roll. Then I scan the images myself. I wouldn't do this with a roll I really valued, but for snaps it's well worth it. (B&W I process at home.)

This way shooting film is very cost-effective.