Pics from Switzerland

Jim Kuo

The man in the hat
Just returned from the Swiss trip over four days in Zurich/Luzern areas, I took 1430 photos but only 80 made it into my picasaweb albums after some intensive and serious culling. :)

I love recording scenes that touch me personally, so I can "revisit" them myself at a later date or share them with others. Although photography is not my job, I do enjoy it immensely and want to improve the relevant skills. Hence, I am always keen to hear suggestions/advises/critiques from the users on this forum.

Here are a few of them I like the best.

#1, overlooking the lake in Luzern.

#2, on a boat ride in the morning, heading towards Pilatus, part of the Golden Roundtrip.

#3, travelling down in a cable cart as part of the Golden Roundtrip.

#4, overlooking the lake in Zug just before sunset.

#5, just after sunset.

#6, downhill slalom competition on a street in Zurich, I messed up the panning, but I love the feeling of speed it gives.

I really like those first two Jim and the last - much more interesting and dramatic than a perfect pan would have been. The silhouette, lake at dusk and mountain view are also super shots but if I had to choose just one it would be number 2. I wonder what it would look like as a toned B&W.
I'm liking the action in #6 as well - very nice :)

Also the mist in the mountains in #3 - lovely

So, are these 5D2 or X100?
Thanks Chris, these are all 5D2, using mixtures of 17-40, 28-75 and 70-200 (left the manual focus 50mm at home). I considered the photography genres that I am likely to shoot, and the fact that if I messed up, it's less likely I am to return in a short time, so I decided to carry the more serious camera for the task ;)
Id agree with the comment regarding #6, great sense of speed! who gives a crap if its not "perfect"
They aren't mine to post, but we do some brochures for Prescott hill climb and the Bugatti owners club with photos taken on the day by spectators some of the shots of very blured Bugatti's are this blurred, maybe with just a helmet sharp are some of the best motor sport photos ive ever seen ... not in any way conventional, but awesome none the less ...

... found a link ... Richard Sloman Photographynot the exact photo i was thinking of, but you get my point...
Yes, the picture in your link does look great :)

Also the slight curve of the panning motion gives the impression that the driver was going into a bend at some speed!
He's really good isn't he!
A nice disregard for "rules" that gives a real sence of creativity!

You should have told us you had done it on purpose Jim ;)
Richards shots are really superb - both the vehicles, and the candids of people at the event

Love the feel on this one

I love the muted colours of some of them, i cant find it in the gallery to link to it, but the one in the slide show of the 24v clio is really nice!
Was is this one Hamish?


Hello guys, as I mentioned to Hamish in an email conversation earlier I'm hugely surprised by the positive feedback and thought I should register to express my gratitude (and most definately not to massage my ego! :p). I'll do the dutiful thing and go and introduce myself properly in the right board...
Yep, that's the one!
I you have post processed it, in terms of colour and tone exactly how inwould want to but probably wouldn't ...
Really like that shot, very simple, but very good!
I've mentioned to Karen (I assume you know Karen??) a few times that if like to have a go at Prescott ... Would you be able to get me "in" ... I don't even know when it is mind ...
That one was actually taken at Shelsley Walsh, not Prescott. It doesn't offer up the same kind of opportunities as Prescott does as it's a lot faster with fewer corners.

Would love to have the kind of influence to be able to get you in, but unfortunately well out of my hands and I know they'll be clamping down harder next year on who has access which is one of the reasons I'm not sure I'll be continuing. There's about 6 events over the course of the year (usually later April to early October), and photography wise there's only a few places I can get to with a tabbard on that spectators can't and they're not that spectacular. I rarely feel the need to go trackside except on really busy weekends.

Definately worth a trip if you've never been, the final one on this weekend is particularly good just for the atmosphere. Or you can wait until the May one and get to see this:

Sorry Jim, we have sort of nicked tour thread here...

It'll have to be may then ...
I'd certainly like to see one of those beasts!

What about Shelsey Walsh ... That's really close to me, when do they do them there?