Playing with my X100s

Stephen McCullough

Well-Known Member
I am really impressed with this little beast. I very much like the interface: I have an X-Pro1 and enjoy using it very very much.

I was just wandering around our neighbourhood very early yesterday morning, getting to know the new child. The shots aren't much in terms of subject or composition, but I was very pleased with the jpegs. I shot jpeg + Raw, but to do better than the jpeg would have taken some serious time - worth it maybe for an important shot, but not for these.

If you like addictive cameras, give this one a try.

In the first one I dropped exposure by a point, in LR.

_DSF0043.jpg by Stephen M Photography, on Flickr

_DSF0051.jpg by Stephen M Photography, on Flickr

_DSF0055.jpg by Stephen M Photography, on Flickr
Thanks everyone.
It's a real pleasure to use. I'm looking forward to giving it a good workout in the next few weeks. It's especially helpful that the controls are basically the same as my X-Pro 1.

These cameras are fun, but more importantly they are swift and efficient - making changes is intuitive. Now all I need to do is generate the ability to grasp some photographic and artistic a ileitis and I'll be all set.

Lee: I'm not entirely sure I can afford it either. I changed jobs, and convinced myself a congratulations present was in order.

Beth: the light was very good. I was facing north east, and the sun was still low. A beautiful morning.
An imressive set, particularly the first one, Stephen. How is the viewfinder for people wearing glass, I wonder? :)
An imressive set, particularly the first one, Stephen. How is the viewfinder for people wearing glass, I wonder? :)

Hi Nihat
Thank you.
I wear glasses. I never know the correct terms, but basically I need glasses for seeing things at a distance. I have no issues with the VF on either X-Pro 1 or 100s. Others might feel differently, but I'm fine. It works very well. I really enjoy the VFs, and rarely use the rear LCD for shooting.
Looking very nice - which film sim, Velvia?
Looking very nice - which film sim, Velvia?

Thanks Chris. I'm hoping to get some more interesting subject matter this weekend.

The film setting was STD (a somewhat unfortunate monicker), which I believe is Provia. Velvia would likely have given deeper colours. I think I'll bracket some shots with the different simulations and see what happens. My understanding is that the Provia setting has the greatest DR, which I suspect I needed given the shadows at that time of day.
Really love the design of this camera, Stephen. Thank you for the info.