Brian Moore
Pop Tart (left) and Calfie meet for the first time. Applecross, Scotland.
Calfie was born in March. He was found abandoned and near death. My brother-in-law Mark, who found him, estimates he was about 5 days old when he found him. His mother is a cow belonging to Mark's small herd. But the herd wanders the hills and so Calfie's discovery was pure luck. Mark brought him home and bottle-fed him and he has responded very well indeed.
For the first 3 months of his life Calfie was brought up with humans and a dog. First he lived in the house. Then, when he got too big, he was moved out to the glebe adjacent to the house.
The challenge now is to reintegrate him with his own kind. The first step in this process was to find him a companion of his own species from whom he could learn bovine behavior. Enter Pop Tart, an older calf.
This picture shows Pop Tart and Calfie meeting for the first time in a pasture that we had moved them both to.
My next post will be a portrait of Pop Tart with an explanation of how she got her name.
Olympus XA3 and Retrochrome 320 slide film cross-processed in C41 chemicals.

Calfie was born in March. He was found abandoned and near death. My brother-in-law Mark, who found him, estimates he was about 5 days old when he found him. His mother is a cow belonging to Mark's small herd. But the herd wanders the hills and so Calfie's discovery was pure luck. Mark brought him home and bottle-fed him and he has responded very well indeed.
For the first 3 months of his life Calfie was brought up with humans and a dog. First he lived in the house. Then, when he got too big, he was moved out to the glebe adjacent to the house.
The challenge now is to reintegrate him with his own kind. The first step in this process was to find him a companion of his own species from whom he could learn bovine behavior. Enter Pop Tart, an older calf.
This picture shows Pop Tart and Calfie meeting for the first time in a pasture that we had moved them both to.
My next post will be a portrait of Pop Tart with an explanation of how she got her name.
Olympus XA3 and Retrochrome 320 slide film cross-processed in C41 chemicals.