Port In A Storm

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Stormy skies and rain over Northern AZ today had us running for cover in Flagstaff.


Port in a Storm

X-Pro1 and 35mm Lens

Just one block South of Route 66.

It was created by K.J. Nackard in 1919 to provide lodging near the route of if the Old Trails Highway through Flagstaff.

The first building of what was then called The Nackard Hotel was the Ramey Building, which was built in 1900 and used as a brothel.

The second building was called the Dutch Annie Building and was owned by Annie Marie Sutter until she was murdered in 1916.

After Nackard bought and improved the buildings, he built his home on this site. In the 1930s once Route 66 had been firmly established, Nackard remodeled his home and made it part of his new Auto Inn, which catered to the automobile traffic along the route.

Now the property houses the Grand Canyon International Youth Hotel and private apartments.

Source: Self-Guided Historic Walking Tour of Flagstaff's Route 66 by James Hardy
Great name for a motel lol I presume another UK v US English language nuance when I read the sign first before reading the description I thought the k had fallen of making it Knackared lol
@Dave Moss - The name had me and swmbo chuckling all day long
Superb shot and interesting bit of history Chris. Thanks. I assume you took more.
Thanks @Pete Askew - The motel itself had been heavily reworked and really didn't look anything special, so the old sign was the best bit!
nice shot. It's things like this that are making me choose between Burma or a USA road trip!
Pete after reading Bill Brysons A walk in the woods theres a few places along the east coast that I would want to visit, and from there West!