Prague trip

Tim Pindar

Well-Known Member
Photos here:

Prague 2010 gallery

A few samples I like the best:

The Old Town from a bridge, late afternoon


Street in Josefov (Jewish district)


Staircase, Cubism Museum

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Very nice - will have a look through the full gallery in a bit as well :)

Like the cubist stairs a lot, and the Jewish street
Just went through the full gallery - fantastic! :))

Looks like you had some super weather and definitely got to see the sites - Why is King Wenceslas sitting on an upside down beast???
King Wenceslas is sitting upside down as a modern satire on the monumental statue of him just outside in Wenceslas square...

Yes, the weather was superb, we were very lucky. As a result we did a lot of walking and not much in the way of museums/galleries. Lots of photo opportunities!

Although some sights are expensive to get into, the city is incredibly beautiful and the public transport easy, convenient and cheap. Local food isn't much but there are loads of old-style coffee shops and nice restaurants of all international types. All in all, very enjoyable. Our hotel was fabulous, the Maximilian in Halstalka.

I've just noticed I can see my foot in the cubist staircase - a slight crop or cloning out is in order, I think!
EDIT: foot now cloned out...
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