Preparing for Fitba at Honda

Brian Moore

Three days a week at lunchtime me and a few others play a game of fitba ("football" to the Sassenachs amongst ye, "soccer" to the Americans). Usually we get 6 or 7 a side, and the matches can be spirited. I'm old enough to have sired most of the lads, but I can still keep up with them. And kick them for being younger than me.

I'll often take a camera oot with me and snap a shot or two. Here are two examples I took recently as the lads were setting up the goals. I took these with my Vivitar PN2011 with flipped lens, and color film which I developed in Rodinal.

As you can see in the first shot, I have captured an image of a large fireball that blazed through the sky that afternoon. I looked in the mainstream media for reports as to the origin of the fireball, but of course it went unreported, undoubtedly because of the left-wing government/Liberal Press conspiracy to cover-up UFO activity.

In the second shot, you'll see that one of the chaps has been bowled over, perhaps by the gentle ocean breeze that occasionally wafts through the Southern California air.


I just assumed they were before and after shots!! Then I read the text. Or has the alien spaceship just dropped him back down!! I do like the flatness that the cross-processing has produced. Interesting shots as usual from this camera. The indistinctness really adds to these I think.
They were taken on different days, Pete. You can tell because in the first one the fireball in the sky has created distinct shadows, whereas in the second there is cloud cover, as evidenced by no shadows at all,...and also by clouds.;)

I agree with you about the indistinctness. Its what I like about the mod I have done to that camera. Thanks again, Pete!
Looks like he has been popping the footballs out of his ... ...

Perhaps not ...

I like what this camera does to black and white ... I really must get mine going!
It escaped the recent camera cull despite me being very strict with my self and getting rid of a lot of stuff I felt I could do without ... I looked at it and decided there was no way that I wasn't going to give this a go
Looks like he has been popping the footballs out of his ... ...
:D Nice one Hamish!

Yeah, need to get that camera working, Hammie. For me it became liberating in the sense that I could snap the most mundane things and sometimes get an interesting image.
And starring as the letter V.... :D

Love the continuing UFO series Brian