Problem With Olympus Trip

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
Just been out with the Trip. Without warning, it got stuck on the 22nd shot - just won't wind forward or click. Been absolutely fine up to this point. Any ideas what might be wrong? I can't open it in a darkroom - I usually just go to Boots...

Talking of the Trip...who won the summer competition? I'm voting for Dan's Bucket and Spade shot - a classic Trip image!
Or how about pressing the wee button that releases the film for rewinding, and try winding on with it depressed. Then release and see what happens. (I don't own a Trip, nor have I ever even held one, so I clearly don't know what I'm talking about. However, its the first thing that sprung to mind after reading Hamish's suggestion.) Good luck, Rob.
I think your above answers should do something, Rob
Thanks, guys. I ended up rewinding it. At least there are 21 shots in there. But will it happen again with the next roll? I'll use a cheapo film.
I am glad people found out about Poundland film lol :D