Rare Bats

Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
I have no idea what type of breed of the bats in these photos are, they're not the sharpest nor are they the most creative, However, taking these shots was very...... least to say.... arse twitching. lol

Due to security reasons, I strictly cannot publicise the location of these shots as I feel it could land me in trouble for many reasons.

I was lead to this destination by a contact, where access had been successfully arranged, and planning had been properly prepared. It was also confirmed to hold a large habitat of rare bats.... how many at pre visit time was unknown.... and very unexpected.

During the visit, It came to our astonishment that there were at least 60-80 that we could visualy see, let alone how many were remaining if the exploration was to be completed.
We reached a part of this journey where we took a mature and responsible descision to abort this exploration due to the possibility of disruption that could of be caused by our presence, knowing that an unaffordable fine could be planted upon us if caught disturbing these wonderfull creatures if the night, and that was just the start of the consequence of events. :/

The bats appeared to be very very placid. We walked up to this colony shown in the picture without realising untill last second. I took a couple of pre flash shots from a distance to see if there would be any reaction... to my suprise.... nothing....nothing at all.
the closer I got, the more I exptected.... but nothing. You could really have gone macro on these beauties and they wouldn't of bothered, but for respect of these creatures, a distance was respectfully granted, and I was not going to take the **** and try to get 'that shot'.
I deep down thoroughly believe that our presence had no impact on the bats or their routine, nor do I feel that they were put under any stress whatso ever.
To be in the position and have a once in a life time oppotunity to be presented with this uncanny situation, you can not help but to maintain a mature, respectfull and sensible mind for the benifit of that moment.

This visit was truely touching to come in connection with nature at its best kept secrets.

Bats by dajoolzcat, on Flickr

Bats 2 by dajoolzcat, on Flickr

Thanks for looking :)
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That's 'king scary that Dan - great work in getting there and getting some shots to prove it
Bats cannae see too well, Dan, which might account for their passive response to your presence. I recommend you watch your nose doesn't start to turn white.

However,...nice shots.
That's pretty cool dan . No chance you would see me doing that that's balls of steel there kid !!! Google this and keep an eye out on the symptoms bat droppings or
guano is pretty nasty stuff. Histoplasmosis . Chances are slim but worth knowing about.

The bat looks to me like a Greater or lesser horseshoe bat judging by the size of them with in comparison to the brick work And the fact they can fully conceal themselves it their wings I would say a lesser horseshoe bat. The eayest way to confirm it to look at their nose if it's shaped like a horse shoe then ta daa!!! The second shot the one has just poked his head out looks spot on.

Yeah, I done a bit of research into shape of their 'noseleaf' which gives it that distinctive feature that confirms it to be a lesser horseshoe colony. I could see it more visually than what was caught on camera. Such an exciting moment to come across this. You should come along to H and Tom? Truely is a sight.

Thanks for the shout with the 'cave desease' Tom,
If I can't look after myself, I know you would ;) :D
I did check out about coming into contact with guano and the after affects off histoplasmosis (but very briefly) and it's not pretty stuff. So for reassurance to myself and other, we didn't explore in short sleeves and flip flops. :D:D

Cheers guys
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OMG this pic will give me nightmares for months :eek:

We have bats in i guess the roof area of this 450 + year old builidng i live and work, i dont know if they stay here all the time, but they are only noticeable at certain times of year when they come out to fly around the garden when i take dogs out at night I hate um with a passion and am sure they trying to dive bomb me.

great work, amazing shots and well done for leaving them in peace.
