Rare Sight: Citroen DS in Huntington Beach!

Brian Moore

Last Saturday morning at a local coffee shop something interesting caught the corner of my eye. I turned and there it was, a Citroen DS. I snapped this fotie straight away with the only camera I had in my pocket at the time, my Superheadz Blue Ribbon toy camera.

The film was Arista Premium 400. (Re-branded Tri-X.) I developed the images in Rodinal using a "semi-stand" technique.

Who would know that that is what the photo is about ...
i love the idea of photos with the story te photographer had in mind being a far reach from what everyone else is likely to see!

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... Me and Pete were talking about you today ;)
Who would know that that is what the photo is about ...
i love the idea of photos with the story te photographer had in mind being a far reach from what everyone else is likely to see!
Thank you, Hamish. I know that I probably didn't really need to explain, but I did so anyway because sometimes there is someone who is not familiar with the DS. ;)

... Me and Pete were talking about you today
Uh-oh...! :eek:

Anyway, thanks for the comments, Hamish!
Very nice lines Brian - very european looking ;)

Saw a DS in SF this weekend - lovely condition as well - but I was driving, so no photo :(
Driving. That wouldn't have stopped Brian. He is a true Parisienne when he comes to getting the shot while at the wheel!!

Nice cars though and a fine photo (and luckily not obscured by the young lady). For some reason you see loads of these (DSs not young ladies - although there are plenty of those also, in fact many more than DSs) in Berlin. There seems to be a large owners club there and they are mostly in very good condition.
Imagine that, a nice looking girl just happened to walk into frame...You'll get a reputation.

I don't understand it, Rob. I really don't...

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Very nice lines Brian - very european looking ;)

Saw a DS in SF this weekend - lovely condition as well - but I was driving, so no photo :(

I agree, Chris, very nice lines.;)
Driving. That wouldn't have stopped Brian. He is a true Parisienne when he comes to getting the shot while at the wheel!!

Nice cars though and a fine photo (and luckily not obscured by the young lady). For some reason you see loads of these (DSs not young ladies - although there are plenty of those also, in fact many more than DSs) in Berlin. There seems to be a large owners club there and they are mostly in very good condition.
I do quite enjoy snapping the occasional shot oot the windae of the motor Pete, there is no doubt! But SWMBO has been growing increasingly crabbit in recent years regarding this practice. (She is a bonny lassie in so many ways,...but she is more Glaswegian than Parisienne when it comes to the romance of photography.) So unfortunately I am often forced into a confrontation when the mood strikes to snap a motoring fotie.

Thank you for the comments, Pete. I was indeed lucky that the young lady did not spoil the picture. :D