Rear Window

Darren Bradley

Well-Known Member
A stolen moment, as seen through a window in the back alley of a building in Paris. I have no idea who the girl was...
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That's brilliantly observed - you couldn't have staged it better
Lovely image, Darren! 2 intelligent urban captives behind bars practicing art.
Great observation, Nihat!

Darren, that is wonderful. You not only saw it, but captured it perfectly. Hats off. Cigars all round.
Brilliant again!!

Is that the same lady in your B&W stair shot?
Cheers, guys. No, the other lady on the stairs is my wife. This is just a random stranger that I don't know and never met. Just saw her through a window.
That is really up my street that it (the photo, not the alley). The DOF creates a nice visual trick where it seems that the window with the woman is on the rear of the building opposite but obviously she is much too close for that. I think that it really makes the image.
that composition is fantastic, and that it's almost completely black and white really makes the woman leap out of the picture. plus I like that you're looking out of a barred window to look in on someone looking out of a barred window... I like that :)
That is well done Darren. I love shots that make you try to figure out why they work. It don't take long...but I kept on looking and enjoying.
Thank you, all. To me, this is "street photography" even though it's not in the street. It was just a lucky shot that I was able to grab in a moment, as I was passing in front of that window. It's a lesson in making sure you have your camera on and ready to go if you see a shot!
Nicely captured, Darren. It looks like here eyes are momentarily drawn to something she has spotted on the street (or alley) below. Or perhaps she is deep in thought as she considers how to complete the next line in her poem.
Thanks, Brian. Yes, I have no idea what she was looking at, but it was in the alley off to my left and below me, I guess. She appeared to be sketching something, or writing a note.
It's a street shot for me! Very well seen & very nicely captured!