While inks are not cheap, over-all the digital darkroom has saved me a lot of money when compared to the fume-room. When I was printing a portfolio print back then, it was routine to go through a whole box of colour paper and the chemistry to process it, as well as blowing away a whole day to make the perfect print. Many of my colleagues spent much more time and teased me about my lack of perfectionism. Now if I print a snapshot for a friend, they get the same quality as is in my portfolio, but I nail it first print every time. Both in terms of supplies and valuable time, the cost of printing has diminished to a trivial level, while quality has if anything increased.
The bigger the cartridge, the cheaper the ink. When the cost of ink that is included is considered, the 3880 hardware costs little more than that of the R3000. The larger cartridges are substantially less costly per ml, for a further savings. Of course there is the immediate gratification of being able to make a print that is all your own work, any time the spirit moves you.