Secret Winter Garden

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
It's not easy to describe this one. We are very remote here and our nearest neighbours are down the hill, round the bend, over the river and far, far away. Well OK... perhaps not THAT far away, but half a mile and in a different county from us. Unless I'm out walking one of the ferrets, we only pass that way in the car and it was only coming back from our winter walk on Sunday that I spotted this gate. It must have been nearly 75 yards from the farm entrance and I can only presume it was once an easier route to the tennis court or the orchard at the bottom of their garden. Now very overgrown, it hasn't been used in many years, but it caught my eye in spite of the fading light... :)

And another one of those Narnia shots, I love gates, lots of stories and adventures behind them, and this one must have few of it's I'm being all fanciful :) love the combination of textures and tones, it works really well almost a Christmas card type thing but more...:)
Wonderful shot, Lesley. The color in the leaves on the left just add so much to what is already a wonderfully pretty comp.