Selenium in Nik Silver Efex

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
I've revisited a few photos from March, taking them through some selenium toning in Nik Silver Efex. Correct me if I'm wrong, but selenium was added to photos to increase their longevity, and gave them a silvery hue. I find it very attractive. In Nik Silver Effex there are three basic tones of selenium, but an infinite number of ways of subtly adjusting tone, colour, balance. Anyway, here's a few shots.

This one looks like a composite image, but it isn't, just a straight shot...

Vigil by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

Anchored by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

Between Two Bridges by RobMacKillop, on Flickr​

This one has been made to look old:

And one from Sunday where I think the selenium toning really made the picture...

I love all of those photos, its amazing how crisp that last image is, its why I like black and white the most :)
Thanks, guys. The last one might have benefited from a mistake. I hadn't realised the exposure compensation was set to +2, thereby overexposing the sky. A little push of contrast and wee bit selenium created a really nice sky. Must try it again...
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#2 - 'kin awesome dude! :D
Keep missing the chance to reply to these. Mainly because I keep coming back to look at them. Wonderful stuff again Rob. I think the second is my favourite though. Not only great compositions but the toning works very, very well I think. I think the only thing I would try with such a process would be to get the contrasts and toning a little more the same so they sit together as a set. Not identical though, just a bit closer to each other. As individual images though they are pretty well spot-on I reckon.
Thanks, Pete. I know what you mean about the set having unified toning and contrast, which is something I did for my beach shots today. It's a good point, which I'll keep in mind...hopefully.