nope & i aint telling her she will kill me.......haha, i put it on face book and i gonna get battered when i next see her apparently............ she dont like her pic being taken yet who does, it was just a spare of moment thing during a walk around local park
haha thanks paul, The background is as shot, as is the whole image, not much pp done at all.......!! Using the love of my life, yes you guessed it my 70-200m F2.8 lol
You have to take care you know. Before you know her younger sister will turn up a year or so and then you'll be tempted to move on. A fit faster, better coating and improved vibration reduction - you'll be helpless to resist.
Bloody hells fire ... I have a busy few days ... Come to have a mooch through a bunch of misses threads and there is people fiddling over the weekend and fingering rings ... Smut! Smut! Smut!