Critique Welcomed Space Above

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
A different take on my shoot this evening


Space Above - As seen from Double Peak Park

X-Pro1 and 18mm Lens - PP in Nik Silver FX
This is stunning! Clearly evidence of aliens on Earth. Seriously, though, Chris, this is a beautiful photo. The sky is stunning. Beautiful comp. and toning, of course.
Thanks Rob - watch the skies! ;)
Very nice version Chris and the layers work very well indeed in the way the tones reflect each other. Excellent stuff.

- - - Updated - - -

And I take that you've got a new flying saucer as you keep accidentally leaving in shot! Go on then, tell us all about it. :rolleyes:
Thanks everyone - new Hybrid Hyperdrive Pete

Are they not out in Blighty yet? ;)