Lesley Jones
Otherwise know as Zooey
I wanted to apologise for not being around much lately. The rib is still playing up and as if that wasn't bad enough, my husband is working on another site several times a week. That means we get up at 5.20 a.m., spend three hours doing the animals, I drive myself to work and don't generally get home before 6.00 p.m. - doing the zoo alone takes another two and a half hours. Most days I just crawl into bed without dinner. The little time I do have is now spent researching the Peak District as I'm off there for three days at the beginning of September. It's incredible what you can find on the internet - I've already "walked" up Padley Gorge and "cycled" down Cavedale 
Here's one I took at the Weald and Downland open air museum the other year. I'd been after the shot for a while as we used to do Public Relations here with our ferrets at the heavy horse shows. It needed a fire to be burning though and the light coming in at just the right angle. This time I arrived as the last few embers were dying in the grate. The light was poor - I've never set up the tripod so quickly...

Here's one I took at the Weald and Downland open air museum the other year. I'd been after the shot for a while as we used to do Public Relations here with our ferrets at the heavy horse shows. It needed a fire to be burning though and the light coming in at just the right angle. This time I arrived as the last few embers were dying in the grate. The light was poor - I've never set up the tripod so quickly...