Sunburst over San Jacinto

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
As we headed East towards Palm Springs on Friday, we crossed the mountains and tried to outrun a small storm system, tracking in from the Pacific.

Finally, as we descended from the Pines to Palms Highway into Palm Desert, the sun broke through the cloud, and light streamed out over mount San Jacinto.


X-Pro1 and 18mm Lens.
This is one of the few landscape photos where I would have liked a figure in the foreground looking towards the sun.

Great photo as it stands, though...
Thanks everyone.

We had stopped to take a shot looking the other way, down the mountain - and as I turned to head back to the car, the sun burst through the clouds, and the dust in the air caught the sunbeams.

Case of right place, right time - and for once I had a camera in my hand! :)

Lesley, PP was Nik Silver FX - and I used the red filter to bring out the cloud detail, and then open up the foreground detail for the final look.

Pete - just didn't look right in my normal coffee tone - B&W had the right impact.

Adrian - not sure on the people in shots thing - I tend to avoid them in my landscape shots where I can, and in this case it was so crazy windy that there was no-one else around!

Brian - I was hearing "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" in my head :D
That's worthy for my wall chris! I REALLY like this. Fabulous!
Thanks Dan :)