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Looking at Howorth’s work, he is definitely consistent, whether you like his work or not. It is the consistency that someone how gives his work value. By contrast, I’m all over the place with styles - all unintentional, I can assure you - which would lead some to observe a lack of - ahem - focus and professionalism. Not that I’m aiming to be regarded as focussed and professional. I’m not aiming for anything. When I think of highly-regarded photographers, what seems to mark them out is their unified style. I could do with being a bit more disciplined, I suppose, but I do often enjoy being undisciplined. But I think that anyone who wants to ‘make their mark’ as a photographer should choose their style and stick with it. Thoughts?
Never heard of him, but found this, and at the one-minute marke there’s the same green chair!!

Well!! I hadn't actually looked at the book since this thread... no wonder I thought of it I suppose. 😄

No I'm still working on them... ;)
But I think I agree with the points you make. (although I'm not so sure about your claimed 'lack' of a style.)