The Dreich Canal - iPhone 4s

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
Lovely weather for photography, so why did I forget to take my camera?! Luckily I had my phone. I set it to "Noir". Some images darkened in Elements. The grain in one or two was added in Nik Silver. I'm impressed with the camera on this phone.

Canal 10.jpg

Canal 1a.jpg

Canal 6a.jpg

Canal 7a.jpg

Canal 11.jpg

Canal 12.jpg

Canal 13.jpg

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A fine set Rob and more proof that a good photograph has nothing to do with the camera! I love that last shot especially. The perspective adds a great sense of isolation to the figure and somehow they seem to be related to the boat. The murk and grain add so much too.
Cheers, lads. I think I'll sell all my cameras and just use my phone :cool: The newer iPhone cameras have an 8MB camera, while the 4s is 5MB - probably not a huge difference, and for the above types of shots both cameras are more than adequate.
The 4s is 8MP , the 4 was the last iPhone to have a 5MP... in fact the 4S is the last great iphone
Are there also non-goth, metal women I wonder? ;)

there could well be Pete, i'm not sure if it's worrying or not and some of their screen names are disturbing but hey! the goth chicks dig me