The Kodak Hawkeye Brownie Flash

Brian Moore

This is the camera that found me the Real Photographers Forum!

That is to say, I was preparing a blog article for the Film Photography Project website, and while searching the web for some information about the Hawkeye Flash I came upon Chris Dodkin's article on RPF. (By the way, Chris has posted some excellent images of the Hawkeye in his article!)


Anyway, my own article was posted on the Film Photography Project website earlier this week. Below is the link if you'd care to read it.
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Nice one Brian! :)

So basically with the fixed exposure, you have to wait for an F-Sunny day, and then it's point and shoot?
Thanks Chris.

Yeah,'s basically a point and shoot. No need to wait for a sunny day, though. You have two options:

1. Use fast film
2. Hold the shutter open longer

It's a fun camera to use, Chris. Thanks again.
Thanks a lot, Hamish. (Did you post that photo of the chair? I was delighted to see it front and center, but I didn't put it there.)
Yes, you may notice me adding to your posts a little here and there ... in this case it was just so there was a photo for the article on the home page ... hope you dont mind
Ive also just added a link to your blog ...
Just so we are consistent everywhere really ... and of course making the most out of our weight on google for you!