The last little bit

John Holland

Well-Known Member
The latest skin shedding is almost complete, just one little bit left and it just won't fall off (hate when that happens)

here is a little bit of the background on the lizards I have recenly been shooting

This is Larry (Larry the Lounge Lizard), he is a Carolina Green Anole lizard. I have lived in my current house for 27 years, and this guy (and his brothers, sisters, cousins, friends) only recently "moved in" a few years ago. When we moved into this house, it was on the edge of a development with fields behind us, so I fully expected to see some wildlife (snakes, lizards, scorpions, etc) in the backyard. But nothing (except for rabbits, squirrels, and various birds) for 23-24 years. Then I spotted these guys. As far as I can tell, there are three or fours groups (lizard herd? pack? pod? clowder?) in various parts of the backyard. The male is larger - Larry is about 8-9 inches (20-23 cm) long, has the red dewlap under his chin to attract the ladies and/or threaten/warn other males. The females are a little bit smaller, and have a light stripe down their spines. Both the males and the females are able to change colors, but not like a chameleon; they are limited to green and a few shades of brown.

From what I have read about the Anole lizards, there is one dominate male and many females in his territory (there may be a few younger males for a while, but they'll get chased off later on). Every now and then the males challenge each other for more territory or to take over a territory (recall the "fight sequence I posted earlier). they do a great job in keep the insect population under control (in their territories).
Since I have spotted these critters, I have made a point not to try to catch any of them, and not to make them feel threaten by me (my dog has a different approach -- usually inquisitive for her, not so for the lizards ). They are still pretty shy of my presence, but if I approach slowly I can usually get a few shots off before they scurry off to a "safer" location. I have also noted that if I am wearing a red shirt they will be a bot more shy.

I usually shoot with a 180mm macro lens (or my cell/mobile phone -- handy in German; I am trying to learn Deutsch right now). Using ambient light, handheld, and minimal setup time is a challenge to get the shot with a fast enough shutter (to cut camera motion mainly) and deep enough DOF. The shot above was at f/9, 1/125 second, ISO 400 and at minimal focusing distance (about 6 inches/15cm).