The Moon In June

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
In the gap between the two houses opposite ours, the moon suddenly appeared. I would have spent more time with it, but...

a) it was moving fast

b) just below it, between the two houses, was a garage. The swing door was open, and rap music could be heard. On closer inspection two guys were teaching each other how dance and move like gangstas. It was very funny. However, as I seemed to be pointing my camera right at them, I thought I had better quit before they saw me!

X-S1, PS3 and Nik software...

Haha you should have filed them! £250 in the back burner!
The second one is a great bit of framing ... A tripod to loose the little bit of movement and a lower ISO and you have a great shot on your hands there!!
Nicely spotted Rob - amazing how fast the moon moves when you observe it against a ground based object!
That's right, Chris. I had no time to set up a tripod or fiddle around with ISO settings (sorry, Hamish). I'll have to read up on moon shots. One of my good friends is now a retired astronomer, who makes his own telescopes and attaches cameras to them. I've tried to get him to join us here, but he seems a bit shy about doing so.